Smart surveillance cameras in 3 Vinhomes megacities

VinBigData has deployed AI Camera System to ensure safety in Vinhomes’ world-class smart cities, with 195 high-rise buildings and tens of thousands of apartments. Aiming to enhance safety and security for residents living in buildings, the AI Camera system provides many smart features such as assisting in monitoring illegal parking, detecting unshielded material-carrying trucks, objects on the corridor of the apartment complex or in the elevator, etc.

camera thông minh
  • Vinhomes
  • Real Estate
  • VisionAI, Vizone Secure

Project Description

Smart Camera System is deployed in 3 leading megacities: Vinhomes Grand Park, Vinhomes Ocean Park and Vinhomes Smart City to support security and safety for residents living in buildings. Applying advanced technologies to identify and track the movement of vehicles and objects and analyze object recognition characteristics, the system can operate in all different environmental conditions such as low light, large tilt angle, blurred image, etc.


  • 03 smart megacities consisting of a total of 195 high-rise buildings
  • Dense population density with tens of thousands of apartments

Project Detail

  • Supplied Service & Product​ AI Camera system with features that assist:​
  • Monitor illegal parking.​
  • Detect material-carrying trucks which violate safety regulation.​
  • Detect neglected objects in lobby/hallway or oversized objects in elevator​

Application technology

Object & Vehicle Recognition

Movement Tracking


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