VinDr AI is an effective “assistant” for radiologists at Hanoi Medical University Hospital

VinDr AI effectively supports radiologists in chest and spine X-ray as well as mammography interpretation, with an accuracy of nearly 90%. Not only detecting and localizing lesions, VinDr AI also marks studies by color: AI – blue means no pathology and red means pathology, thus suggesting doctors to pay attention and review patient film. This AI system is trained and validated on Vietnamese patients’ studies thus being suitable for the Vietnamese physiological and anatomical characteristics as well as accurate in terms of pathology.

  • Hanoi Medical University Hospital
  • Healthcare
  • VinDr

Project Description

Developed based on a dataset of nearly half a million studies with detailed lesion labels and disease conclusions from major hospitals in Vietnam, VinDr AI helps radiologists accurately detect and localize many types of abnormalities in chest, mammo and spine. Meanwhile, to provide doctors the best support, the solution also marks the studies by color: AI – blue means no pathology and red means pathology, thus suggesting doctors to pay attention and review patient film.

Application technology

VinDr ChestXR

identify 6 lung diseases and localize 22 types of common abnormalities on chest X-ray

VinDr SpineXR

localize 6 types of common abnormalities on spine X-ray

VinDr Mammo

classify a mammography study into 3 BI-RADS (Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System) levels and localize 13 types of common abnormalities on mammography


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