Vizone IVA helps to manage customers easily and quickly at Vincom Times City Shopping Center

Vizone IVA with many smart features supports tracking, statistics, analysis and customer data processing, optimizes operations at the point of sale, improves services for Vincom Mega Mall Times City system.
  • Retail
  • Vizone Secure

Project Description

Smart surveillance camera solution with many smart features to help track customer journeys and shopping habits to elevate customer care services at the largest underground shopping mall in Southeast Asia.

The product also supports effective statistics and customer data processing, to help businesses create breakthroughs in terms of point-of-sale management.

Project size

  • Total area of Vincom Times City: 200,000m2
  • Average number of visitors in and out is 126,000 people/day

Detailed project description

Installing hardware and deploying Vizone IVA software to support customer statistics and analysis at Vincom Mega Mall Times City with the following features:

  • Security monitoring, object detection, behavior analysis, intrusion warning.
  • Customer analysis: Detect and identify information, analyze customer movement flow, identify familiar customers, VIP, determine customer’s gender, age and emotions, shopping time of customers .
  • Customer traffic statistics: Total number of customers in the regions. Number of familiar customers, new customers. Determine the peak time frame, the number of customers visiting each area
  • Help make recommendations on options, decisions, hot stalls for customers.

Application technology



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