Vingroup establishes VinBigData subsidiary with charter capital of VND 471 billion

VinBigData’s main businesses are Scientific research and technology development.

On September 14, Vingroup’s Board of Directors approved the formation of a subsidiary.

Accordingly, Vingroup decided to separate a part of the science and technology functions (science and technology services) of the Institute of Big Data – VinBigdata under VinTech JSC in order to establish VinBigData Joint Stock Company as a subsidiary.

Scientific research and technology development are VinBigData’s main businesses. It focuses on conducting highly-applicable research as well as creating breakthrough technology solutions which are expected to strongly impact and bring practical benefits to the community.

Mrs. Nguyen Mai Hoa is the chairwoman and also the legal representative of VinBigData. The company is headquartered in Vinhomes Riverside, Long Bien, Hanoi. Charter capital is 470.8 billion VND, 99% owned by Vingroup. The remaining 1% is held by 2 individuals, Vu Ha Van and Dao Duc Minh, each owns 0.5%, equivalent to about 2.35 billion VND.

Professor Van Vu is the Scientific Director and Dr. Duc Minh Dao is the Managing Director of Vingroup Big Data Institute. Professor Van Vu is recognized as the world’s leading scientist in mathematics with many prestigious awards. His research includes a number of areas such as combinatorics, probability and additive number theory.

Professor Van Vu, Dr. Duc Minh Dao and their colleagues have recently introduced a voice assistant called ViVi on VinFast cars.

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